
Fun’ta Night: Fun, Fundraising and Talent.

13th November, 2015, marked the maiden edition of Fun’ta Night which was held at Ashesi
University. The event showcased talents from A New Dawn Girls to empower them to
explore their capabilities and build their self- confidence. Talents on the day ranged from
singing, dancing, poetry, acting to public speaking.

The Norton-Motulsky hall was filled with excited parents from Berekuso and students of
Ashesi University who attended in their numbers to show their support. Prior to the event,
most of the girls expressed agitation and fear to perform in front of a large crowd.
However, at the end of the program their confessions brought out a different narrative we
were very proud of. “Fun’ta Night is really good and should be done every year. It has
helped my friends and I lot. I was very shy but now I am confident in myself” said Joana,
one of the girls who acted on the night.

The drama team educated the audience on the causes, consequences of teenage pregnancy
and the importance of focusing on one’s education. Also, there was a poetry recital directed
at parents to focus on educating the girl child. What was more fun, the MC of the program
was Angela, A New Dawn girl and her excellence brought light and energy into the room
causing the audience to stay excited throughout the show.

Fun’ta night became a reality through the hard work of volunteers at Ashesi University.
Tickets were sold at 5 cedis and 900 GHC was raised in total.

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